Abundance: 0.01 to 18.14% (median 2.82%)
Latitudinal range: 30.7° to 47.5°Habitats: (36), Mediterranean woodland (1)
Found in 37 samples
France: Grand Serre (Early Pleistocene), Bois Roche (layer 1c) (Late Pleistocene), Castelnou 3 (Late Miocene), Montredon (niveau supérieur) (Late Miocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit II) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit III) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Units IV and V) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit VI) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit VII) (Middle Pleistocene), Romain-la-Roche (Middle Pleistocene), Lazaret (C II supérieur UA 13-17) (Middle Pleistocene)
Italy: Monte Argentario (Early Pleistocene), Moncucco Torinese (Late Miocene)
Jordan: Dana Nature Reserve (Mediterranean vegetation)
Morocco: Afoud (12-2) (Late Miocene)
Portugal: Gruta da Aroeira (Layer Xc) (Middle Pleistocene)
Romania: Tasad (Middle Miocene)
Spain: BLS-1 (Early Pliocene), BLS-5A (Early Pliocene), BLS-6 (Early Pliocene), Sima del Elefante (TE19) (Middle Pleistocene), Gruta 1 (Early Pleistocene), Vallparadís Estació layer EVT7 (Middle Pleistocene), El Rincon-1 (Late Pliocene), Canteras de Iberia (Late Miocene), Cueva Millan (Nivel 8I-1a) (Late Pleistocene), Casablanca I (Early Pleistocene), Huéscar 1 (Middle Pleistocene), Casablanca B (Early Pleistocene), Negratín-1 (Late Miocene), ACB MB (Early Pliocene), Alozaina (Early Pleistocene), Cueva de Nerja (Tardiglacial) (Late Pleistocene), Baza-1 (Early Pliocene), Cortijo de la Piedra (CP-2) (Late Miocene)
United Kingdom: Gorham's Cave (Level III) (Late Pleistocene), Gorham's Cave (Level IV) (Late Pleistocene)
See also Eliomys intermedius, Eliomys melanurus, Eliomys quercinus, Eliomys sp., Eliomys truci