WaKeeney (UM-K6-59)
Basic information
Sample name: WaKeeney (UM-K6-59)
Reference: R. L. Wilson. 1968. Systematics and faunal analysis of a Lower Pliocene vertebrate assemblage from Trego County, Kansas. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 22(7):75-126 [ER 4176]
Country: United States
State: Kansas
County: Trego
Coordinate: 39.09° N, -99.76° W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Scale: quarry
Time interval: Late Miocene
Zone: Clarendonian
Section: WaKeeney
Unit number: 2
Unit order: below to above
Ma: 11.2
Age basis: AEO
Geography comments: "northwest of Ogallah... on the Lowell Hillman Ranch... 2350-2550 feet south and 75 feet east of the NW corner Sec. 22, R22W, T11S. Elevation is 2255 feet"
"either the lower portion of the Ash Hollow Member or the upper portion of the Valentine Member of the Ogallala Formation" (now ranked as formations within the Ogallala Group)
overlies KU Loc. 29
"either the lower portion of the Ash Hollow Member or the upper portion of the Valentine Member of the Ogallala Formation" (now ranked as formations within the Ogallala Group)
overlies KU Loc. 29
Lithology: sandstone
Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit
Habitat comments: "unconsolidated cross-bedded sand and a few inches of clay-sand" within a "river channel" and specifically "a marginal stream environment"
Life forms: bats,carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,lizards,snakes,turtles,frogs,salamanders,fishes
Sampling methods: screenwash
Sample size: 682 specimens
Years: 1966
Museum: University of Michigan
Sampling comments: "worked by wet-screening" in "the summer of 1966"
specimens of Pseudemys sp. were found "above and below the main site"
a ? Hadrocyon specimen was found "six feet above the main screening site"
specimens of Pseudemys sp. were found "above and below the main site"
a ? Hadrocyon specimen was found "six feet above the main screening site"
Sample number: 4637
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Modifier no: John Alroy
Created: 2025-01-04 10:36:14
Modified: 2025-01-04 10:54:21
Abundance distribution
68 species
19 singletons
total count 682
geometric series index: 119.7
Fisher's α: 18.790
geometric series k: 0.9326
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9397
Shannon's H: 3.3574
Good's u: 0.9722
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
• Find matching samples
Lepisosteus sp. | 107 | |
"approximately 100" scales, one dentary, several maxillae, several teeth | ||
Amia calva | 15 | |
9 enumerated specimens, "several scales", and "other elements" | ||
Ictiobus sp. | 7 | |
4 enumerated specimens and "several" teeth | ||
Notropis sp. | 1 | |
? | ||
Ictalurus sp. | 31 | |
apparently two species | ||
Fundulus sp. | 5 | |
Micropterus cf. punctulatus | 8 | |
Lepomis sp. | 8 | |
Pomoxis sp. | 10 | |
Aplodinotus cf. grunniens | 1 | |
Ambystoma sp. A | 6 | |
Ambystoma sp. B | 6 | |
Scaphiopus couchi | 27 | |
Acris sp. | 43 | |
Pseudacris cf. clarki | 1 | |
Hyla cf. gratiosa | 23 | |
Hyla sp. | 2 | |
cinerea or versicolor | ||
Bufo boreas | 10 | |
Bufo cognatus | 2 | |
Bufo marinus | 6 | |
†Bufo pliocompactilis | 17 | |
type | ||
Rana cf. areolata | 2 | |
frontoparietals | ||
Rana sp. | 81 | |
ilia including at least one additionl form | ||
Kinosternon sp. | 2 | |
Chrysemys sp. | 3 | |
cf. | ||
Apalone sp. | 1 | |
"Trionyx" | ||
Gerrhonotus mungerorum | 1 | |
type | ||
Ophisaurus ventralis | 7 | |
Eumeces sp. | 7 | |
Ogmophis kansasensis | 4 | |
type | ||
Heterodon sp. | 3 | |
Paleoheterodon sp. | 4 | |
cf. | ||
Natrix hillmani | 4 | |
type: not Natrix sensu stricto | ||
Thamnophis sp. | 4 | |
Coluber plioagellus | 6 | |
type | ||
Pituophis sp. | 3 | |
Nettion ogallalae | 1 | |
type | ||
Ortalis affinis | 1 | |
type | ||
Pliopicus brodkorbi | 1 | |
type | ||
†Untermannerix copiosus | 1 | |
Rich (1981): "Erinaceinae indet." | ||
†Anchiblarinella wakeeneyensis | 1 | |
Hibbard and Jammot (1971): type; "Limnoecus sp." | ||
Parydrosorex concisus = †Petenyia concisa | 2 | |
type | ||
Soricidae indet. A | 1 | |
Soricidae indet. B | 1 | |
Soricidae indet. C | 1 | |
†Domninoides mimicus | 23 | |
type: 18 enumerated specimens plus "radii, phalanges, etc." | ||
Talpidae indet. | 3 | |
Myotis sp. | 1 | |
†Martes stirtoni | 2 | |
type | ||
Mionictis sp. | 1 | |
Harrison (1981): "Plesiogulo sp." | ||
Canidae indet. | 2 | |
Epigaulus minor = †Ceratogaulus minor | 4 | |
†Eucastor phillisi | 26 | |
type: 23 enumerated specimens and "miscellaneous teeth" | ||
Marmotini indet. | 6 | |
"? Tamias sp.": "several lower" and "several upper" molars | ||
Lignimus hibbardi = †Phelosaccomys hibbardi | 7 | |
Storer (1973): "Geomyidae indet." | ||
Heteromyinae indet. | 13 | |
"Perognathus" | ||
Macrognathomys sp. | 1 | |
Green and Holman (1977): "Macrognathomys nanus" | ||
Dipodidae indet. | 3 | |
"? Sicistinae" | ||
Zapodidae indet. | 2 | |
"? Zapodinae" | ||
Peromyscus sp. | 23 | |
†Tregomys shotwelli | 26 | |
type: includes "Gnomomys saltus" type series (18 specimens) | ||
Copemys pisinnus = †Tregomys pisinnus | 4 | |
type | ||
Copemys sp. | 2 | |
cf. | ||
Cricetidae indet. | 1 | |
Archaeolaginae indet. | 43 | |
"? Hypolagus": "About 40 isolated teeth and several postcranial elements" | ||
Antilocapridae indet. | 9 | |
"? Merycodus sp.": could be Cosoryx; partial skull, six teeth, and "postcranial elements" | ||
Equini indet. | 1 | |
"cf. Pliohippus" | ||
Proboscidea indet. | 1 |